Dear SCORE lovers around the world,
Save the dates 7th-9th of May in your calendar, because I introduce you the 8th International Congress MedEspera 2020, which takes place in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. We invite medical students, residents and young doctors from all over the world to present their works in sections like: Surgery, Internal medicine, Fundamental sciences, Pharmacy, Ethics, Clinical cases, Dental medicine and Public health.
Besides the unique opportunity to share your results and to find out the latest discovering in medicine, you will have the chance to choose from a wide range of workshops on different topics in Pneumology, Cardiology, Surgery, Paediatrics, Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Laparoscopy, Kinetic Therapy, Molecular Biology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ethics & Deontology, Ultrasonography, ICU and many others.
Traditionally, we organize SimOlympic – a competition between teams formed exclusively of medical students and residents, who are involved in managing certain critical situations that are simulated.And of course, we didn’t forget about the social program, which will include a magnificent Gala Night and an excursion to world-known Cricova – our underground wine town where history, archaeology and the art of wine-making joined their force together to create the most accurate description of our culture..
When? 7th-9th of May 2020
Where? Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Fees? Early Passive (Until 3rd February) – €30
Late Passive (3rd February – 8th March) – €40
Active (Until 8th March) – €35
Abstract submission deadline? 8th of March
If you have any questions or look for more details, please, don’t hesitate to approach me directly!–
Ana-Maria Belov