Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Combined call for the 1st of July deadline


  1. Background: Combined call for the 1st of July 2020 deadline, containing the relevant instructions and documents
  2. Submissions:
    1. Bylaws Change Proposals
    2. Candidatures for Supervising Council (18/20, 19/21, 20/22)
    3. Candidatures for Team of Officials 2020/2021
    4. Amendments to Membership applications
    5. Policy Proposals
    6. Memoranda of Understanding Proposals
    7. Task Force Reports
    8. GA Financial Reports
    9. Program Annual Reports
    10. Draft Sponsorship Agreements
    11. NMO Reports
    12. Global Priorities Candidatures
    13. Global Priorities Annual Report
    14. Officials’ Reports
    15. IFMSA Commitments
  3. Relevant documents to submit:
    1. Bylaw Change Proposals
      1. Bylaw change proposal form (here)
    2. Candidatures for Supervising Council
      1. Candidature Form (here)
      2. Technical Data Card for Officials (here)
      3. Motivation Letter and Plan of Action
      4. Curriculum Vitae
      5. One copy of the identity page of applicant’s passport
    3. Candidatures for Team of Officials 19/20
      1. Candidature Form (here)
      2. Technical Data Card for Officials (here)
      3. Motivation Letter and Plan of Action
      4. Curriculum Vitae
      5. One copy of the identity page of applicant’s passport
    4. Submissions of amendments to Membership applications
      1. Application Forms here (full), here (associate), here (candidate) – with changes required by the MRC
    5. Policy Proposal
      1. Policy Proposal Form (here)
    6. Memoranda of Understanding proposals (internal thread)
    7. Task Force Reports (internal thread)
    8. GA Financial Reports
      1. Report document, adhering to the structure detailed by the IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws
        1. August Meeting 2017
        2. August Meeting 2018
        3. August Meeting 2019
    9. Program Annual Reports (internal thread)
    10. Draft sponsorship agreements (internal thread)
    11. NMO Reports (separate thread)
    12. Global Priorities Candidature (internal thread)
    13. Global Priorities Annual Report (internal thread)
    14. Officials’ Reports (internal thread)
    15. IFMSA Commitments (internal thread)
  4. Other relevant documents:
    1. IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws (here)
    2. Task Description for Officials (here)
    3. Guidelines for Officials’ positions (SWG on NMO Involvement) (here)
    4. Supervising Council accompanying document (here)
  5. Deadline: 1st of July 2020, 23:59 GMT

Dear NMOs,

We hope that you are doing well. We are contacting you today to officially launch the combined call for the 1st of July deadline. Please find below the information relevant to this call:

Background: According to our Bylaws, the 1st of July is one of the major deadlines for the IFMSA August Meeting General Assembly. Applications should be sent maximum by the 1st of July 2020, 23:59 GMT to gs@ifmsa.org.


  1. Bylaw Change Proposals
    1. Necessary Documents:
      1. Bylaw Change Form: A filled out document (here), signed and stamped by the President of the candidate’s National Member Organization according to paragraph 9.4.
    2. Important Information:
      1. Relevant Bylaw Paragraph: Bylaws paragraphs 1.23-1.27
      2. Proposer: Proposal must be submitted by an IFMSA Official or by two National Member Organisations.
    3. GS_AM2020_Bylaws Change Proposal_#ofBCP_NMOs_#paragraph:
      1. #ofBCP – assigned by the VPA to ease tracking of BCPs
      2. #paragraph – changed by the proposing NMO into the number of Bylaw paragraphs to be changed.
    4. Submission to: gs@ifmsa.org
    5. Information may be obtained from vpa@ifmsa.org
    6. Subject Code:   [AMEND BYL]
  1. Candidatures for Supervising Council
    1. Necessary Documents:
      1. Candidature Form: correctly filled out, signed, and stamped by the NMO President of the NMO. If the NMO President is an applicant, then a suitable replacement must be found to sign the document instead. Find the form (here).
      2. Technical Data Card for Officials: correctly filled out with all the requested data in the form. Please re-check the document before you submit. Find the form (here).
      3. Motivation Letter and Plan of Action: there are no regulations to this requirement. It is expected that applicants would keep the document to a length that is manageable by its target audience.
      4. Curriculum Vitae: Proof of information provided in the CV should be available upon request by a National Member Organisation
      5. One Copy of the Identity Page of Candidate’s Passport: will be used for registration purposes.
    2. The following positions are opened:
      1. Term 2018/20 ( 2 Positions).  The term will begin immediately after election and end on the 30th of September 2020
      2. Term 2019/21 ( 1 Position). The term will begin immediately after the election and will end on the 30th of September 2021
      3. Term 2020/2022 ( 4  Positions). The term will begin on 1st October 2020 and will end on the 30th of September 2022
    3. Relevant Bylaw Paragraphs:
      1. SupCo Members Rules: Bylaw paragraphs section  7.1-7.4,
      2. SupCo Election Rules: Bylaw article 7.4 – 7.10 (text available in the IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws, link in the summary)
    4. Important information: 
      1. Each National Member Organization can only be represented by one person in the Supervising Council.
      2. Please review the bylaw chapter 7 for more information
    5. The naming of Submitted Documents:
      1. Candidature Form: GS_AM2020_CF_SupCo_[your name]. Change “[your name]” to your first and last name
      2. Technical Data Card: GS_AM2020_TDC_[your name]. Change “[your name]” to your first and last name.
    6. Submission to: gs@ifmsa.org
    7. Information may be obtained from: supco@ifmsa.org
    8. Subject Code: [CAND SUPCO]
  1. Candidatures for Team of Officials 2020/2021
    1. Necessary Documents:
      1. Candidature Form: correctly filled out, signed, and stamped by the NMO President of the NMO. If the NMO President is an applicant, then a suitable replacement must be found to sign the document instead (here)
      2. Technical Data Card for Officials: correctly filled out with all the requested data in the form. Please re-check the document before you submit. Find the form (here).
      3. Motivation Letter and Plan of Action: there are no regulations to this requirement. It is expected that applicants would keep the document to a length that is manageable by its target audience.
      4. Curriculum Vitae: Proof of information provided in the CV should be available upon request by a National Member Organisation
      5. One Copy of the Identity Page of Candidate’s Passport: will be used for registration purposes.
    2. Important Information:
      1. Open Positions for Application with subject code for the email:
        1. Regional Director for Africa [RE DI AF]
        2. Regional Director for the Americas [RE DI AM]
        3. Regional Director for Asia-Pacific [RE DI AP]
        4. Regional Director for EMR [RE DI EM]
        5. Regional Director for Europe [RE DI EU]
        6. SCOME Director [SCD MED]
        7. SCOPE Director [SCD PRO]
        8. SCOPH Director [SCD PUB]
        9. SCORA Director [SCD SE]
        10. SCORE Director [SCD RES]
        11. SCORP Director [SCD HUM]
        12. Liaison Officer for Medical Education Issues [LI OF ME]
        13. Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues [LI OF PU]
        14. Liaison Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Issues, incl. HIV and AIDS [LI OF SE]
        15. Liaison Officer for Human Rights and Peace Issues [LI OF HU]
        16. Liaison Officer to WHO [LI TO WHO]
        17. Liaison Officer to Student Organizations [LI TO SO]
      2. Candidature Form position name must as listed IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws. The code is not the name of the position.
      3. Guidelines for writing candidatures for Officials’ positions can be found here
      4. Task Description: a more detailed task description and time requirements of each position can be found here
    3. Relevant Bylaw Paragraphs:
      1. Task Description for the Officials: Article 6, and depending on position paragraphs 16.11 – 16.14 (LOs), paragraphs 11.3-11.9 (RDs), and paragraphs 13.8-13.9 (SCDs).
      2. Team of Officials Election Rules: paragraphs 3.75-3.93 , please read them in the Bylaws.
    4. Naming of Submitted Documents:
      1. Candidature Form: GS_AM2020_CF_TO2021_[abbreviation of the position]_[your name]. Change “[abbreviation of the position]” to the position you are applying for (LME, RD EU etc.) and “[your name]” to your first and last name.
      2. Technical Data Card: GS_AM2020_TDC_[your name]. Change “[your name]” to your first and last name.
    5. Submissions to:  gs@ifmsa.org
    6. Information may be obtained from: eb@ifmsa.org
  1. Submissions of amendments for Membership applications
    1. Necessary Documents: you will be asked to resubmit your complete application package, along with the required changes and/or additional documents. Please still re-submit the same version, even if no changes are requested for your application.
      1. Application Form: please re-submit your updated application form (if changes within it are required). Find the empty forms here (full), here (associate), here (candidates).
      2. National Regulations: your national regulations with the necessary changes and/or explanations required by the MRC Report
      3. Supplementary Information: (with the required changes from the MRC report)
        1. Description of the organization’s current structure, including executive board, all official positions, and local committees/chapters.
        2. A description of the organization’s activities conducted for its members and/or target groups.
        3. The budget the organization is operating under in the current financial year, specifically detailing income sources and expenses.
        4. A document from a relevant institution clarifying the current status and level of activity of the organization.
        5. Data Protection Addendum (DPA) signed and stamped.
          1. Fill in yellow sections on page 1 and page 4, as well as other information on page 4
          2. For any questions related to this document contact vpprc@ifmsa.org
          3. Find it here
        6. Standard Contractual Clause (SCC) signed and stamped
          1. For any questions related to this document contact vpprc@ifmsa.org
          2. Further instructions will also be sent in the following days
          3. Find it here, filled SCC here
  1. Important Information:
    1. MRC Report: you may only change what the MRC Report marked as requiring changes. Please read this document before you submit any changes to the GS account.
    2. Resubmission: please send all required changes in one email and not through separate emails.
    3. Relevant Bylaw Paragraph:2.16-2.26 and Annex 2 of the IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws.
    4. Carbon Copy: You are required to cc vpm@ifmsa.org and your Regional Director when you submit your amendment(s)
  2. Information may be obtained from: vpm@ifmsa.org, further information will be sent in a separate email.
  3. Subject code: [AMEND MEMB]
  1. Policy Proposals
    1. Necessary Documents: need to be submitted in English
      1. Policy Proposal Form: A correctly filled out Official IFMSA Form for Policy Proposals (here), signed and stamped by the proposer.
    2. Procedure:  needs to be submitted in English
      1. Draft Document for Input: the proposer of the policy must send to the NMO mailing list (nmos@ifmsa.org) a call for input containing the following by 10th of June 2020, 23.59 GMT.
        1. Draft policy statement.
        2. Draft position paper.
        3. Composition of the policy commission.
      2. We advise you to share the draft as a Google document, using the same structure as the document for the final submission. Between the 10th of June 2020 and submission of the policy to the General Secretariat, you are to collect the input from NMOs and incorporate them in your draft.
      3. By the 1st of July 2020, 23:59 GMT, the final policy statement and position paper, as well as the composition of the policy commission must be sent to gs@ifmsa.org by filling in the document attached under the name of GS_AM2020_Policy_[Name of Policy]. Change “[Name of Policy]” to the title of the proposed policy.
      4. Once the Policy has been shared, NMOs can still share their input with the policy commission. If this is done before the 19th of July 2020, 23:59 GMT, the proposer can choose to incorporate the input in the policy directly. Any amendments shared after this deadline have to be voted on in plenary.
      5. In case you require any assistance with the submission, please contact the Vice-President for External Affairs at vpe@ifmsa.org.
    3. Important Information:
      1. Relevant Bylaw Paragraph: paragraphs 17.3-17.8.
      2. Proposer: Must be proposed by two NMOs from different IFMSA Regions or by the Team Officials.
    4. Submission to: gs@ifmsa.org
    5. Information may be obtained from: vpe@ifmsa.org
    6. Subject Code: [POLICY]
  1. General Assembly Financial Report
    1. Necessary Documents:
      1. Format of Report: As per bylaw paragraph 3.93, the start of the report must be started with:
        1. the title of the report
        2. the author of the report
        3. the date of the report
        4. the meeting for which the report was written (here: IFMSA General Assembly August Meeting 2020)
        5. A summary of the report
      2. As per the recommendation of previous Financial Committees: all receipts, invoices, and documents should be in English or accompanied by a certified translation. Debts towards the OC from other NMOs should also be present in the report.
    2. Important Information:
      1. Relevant Bylaw Paragraph: Annex 1 – 1.17, and bylaw paragraph 3.93
      2. Meetings that are required to submit a Financial Report for the 1st of July 2020
        1. August Meeting 2017, organized by TaMSA Tanzania
        2. August Meeting 2018, organized by IFMSA-Quebec
        3. August Meeting 2019, organized by FMS-Taiwan
    3. Submission to: gs@ifmsa.org
    4. Information may be obtained from: vpf@ifmsa.org
    5. Subject Code: [GA FIN REP]
  1. Other submissions coordinated by the TO
    1. The following will be submitted by the relevant TO members:
      1. Memoranda of Understanding Proposals
      2. Officials GA reports
      3. Program Annual Reports
      4. Sponsorship agreements for ratification
      5. Global Priorities Candidature
      6. Global Priorities Annual Report
      7. Reports on IFMSA Commitments
    2. The following will be submitted under supervision by the EB:
      1. Task Force Reports

Important Information:

  1. Please send each type of application in a separate email and put the relevant [code between brackets] for the type of application in the Subject of the email.
  2. Before submission of any document, please review the relevant paragraph in the IFMSA Bylaw Paragraphs. You may find the latest version here.
  3. Any incomplete or inaccurate submissions will most likely be considered invalid by the Constitutional Credential Committee (CCC). Invalid submissions will not be voted upon by the General Assembly
  4. Please contact the relevant EB contact person (detailed above) for assistance in submitting your documents, should you need it.  
  5. Please note that you may send your submission at any time from now until the 1st of July 2020, 23.59 GMT.
  6. A late submission, even due to internet problems, miscommunications, or other technical issues, will most likely be deemed invalid by the CCC.
  7. Please ensure all necessary attachments are present before sending the email.

DISCLAIMER: The personally identifiable data that we are collecting through this call is collected only 

for the purpose that has been stated in each specific section. All the personal data collected in this call will be deleted after there will no longer be a use for them. By providing your personal data through processes including, but not limited to, filing an application document, through your email, within your work, or through filling a data collection form, you are providing your consent that your data is collected for the previously stated purpose, stored for the aforementioned length, and processed in an aforementioned manner. You may find our complete privacy policy here to know more about your rights with your personal data and how we are handling them. Refusing to provide specific data or consent for data collection is possible, however as we have mentioned within our privacy policy, IFMSA may not be able to select, provide, or convey the relevant application or submission for their relevant purpose without these items.

Thank you very much for your attention. We hope that the information in this email is sufficiently explained. Should any part of it remain unclear, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Executive Board at eb@ifmsa.org for more information.

Best regards and stay safe,