Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Crida per a contribucions al Pla d’Acció Annual de l’equip regional europeu



Background: Sharing the European region AWP 2019/2020 and the call for input.

Deadline to send your input is the 28th of December at 11:59 pm GMT

European Regional Team Annual Annual Working Plan 2019/2020: Link

Input form: Link


Dear European region,

we are proud to share our Annual Working Plan for the term 2019/2020. AWP is the document that summarizes the work planned by the regional team members for this term. 

In the light of transparency and our work accountability, we would like to open the call for input before we fully adopt the AWP. We kindly ask you to share your opinion, comments or concerns you might have about it. This is quintessential as firstly, it is salient for us to receive some feedback on our plans, and secondly, our work should envision the needs and wishes of you as the members of our NMOs. 

Link to the annual working plans. 

You can give input by 3 different ways:

  • commenting directly on the AWP sheet.
  • filling in this form
  • sending an email to the EuroTeam member in question;

After receiving the input, the relevant regional team member will either amend their plan or contact the input giver for clarifications.

Please be reminded that this process is applicable to all the members of the EuroTeam except for the RD. You can provide input on the RD’s AWP until the 17th of December 2019 through this form, by commenting directly on the relevant part in the TO’s AWP sheet, or by sending a mail to rdeurope@ifmsa.org.

With best regards on behalf of the European Regional Team,