- Background: Opening the call for Support Persons and Session Team Members for March Meeting 2021 (MM21). Support Persons and Sessions Team members have registration spots in the AM outside of the NMO’s quota.
- Job Description: To support the specific preparations and work of the relevant Official before, during and after MM21.
- Deadline: 29th December 2020, at 23.59 GMT
- Relevant links:
Dear NMOs,
We hope this email finds you well. Over the past few months, we have all been trying to adapt to the new normal, including both our personal and academic lives. Our IFMSA life is not an exception, and a clear example of this is the way we have been adapting our work and projects to this new normal. We have developed our online activities and platforms more than ever, and the following step in this reinvention pathway is March Meeting 2021, which will be our second Online General Assembly, which will be held between February 26th and March 14th.
The Team of Officials has been working tirelessly to prepare for MM21, and now it is your turn to take part in it! Besides the plenaries, we will also celebrate Presidents’, Regional, NMO Management and Standing Committee sessions. This will be an unique opportunity for all of our members to participate and to engage in the work of the Federation.
With that being said, we are opening the call for Support Persons and Sessions’ Teams to assist us in providing an enjoyable and memorable experience for our members. You will be able to see the work behind the scenes, interact with Officials and International Teams, while also improving your own knowledge and skills. This online experience will certainly be a unique one whether you previously attended as a delegate or as a former Sessions’ Team member.
Please carefully read the application procedures and requirements stated by each Official and submit your application through the form provided here. Unlike in regular General Assembly Meetings, designated positions will all have out of quota spots, which do not count towards the NMOs’ limit. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the responsible Official.
The deadline to apply is the 29th of December 2020, at 23:59 GMT! Late applications won’t be considered.
Warm regards,
Your Team of Officials.