Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Crida per a equip de sessions de l’Assemblea General Online d’IFMSA


Background: Opening the call for Support Persons and Session’s Teams for August Meeting 2020 (AM20).  In the email you will find the call for each Support Person spot that includes the description of tasks, selection criteria, and procedure to apply. Support Persons and Sessions Team members have registration spots in the AM outside of the NMO’s quota.

Job Description: Support the specific preparations and work of the relevant Official before, during and possibly after AM20

Deadline: 30th June 2020, at 23.59 GMT

Call for Support Persons, Session’s Teams and Program Representatives in AM20: here or attached

Dear IFMSA Members,

In the past months, we worked on preparing a suitable alternative to the physical General Assembly August Meeting that was previously scheduled to be held in Panama. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was cancelled in the beginning of May.

The Team of Officials will instead work together with their International Teams in order to prepare online sessions for our members to enjoy in an online General Assembly Meeting, to be held between 19th of July and 16th of August. The Standing Committee and NMO Management sessions will be held on the 7th, 14th, 15th and 16th of August 2020, while the Plenary sessions will be held on the 19th of July and between the 1st and 9th of August 2020. This will be a unique opportunity for all of us to adapt to the current situation in the world, and provide the content we normally do, only this time in a virtual setting.

As always, we are opening a call for Support Persons and Sessions Teams to assist us in providing a memorable experience for our members.

You will be able to see the work behind the scenes, interact with Officials and International Teams, while also improving your own knowledge and skills. It will certainly be a different kind of experience for you if you already attended a General Assembly before, and even as a former member of a Sessions Team as this is the first ever Online General Assembly Meeting.

Please carefully read the application procedures and requirements stated by each Official as they don’t all have the same requirements! Unlike in regular General Assembly Meetings, designated positions will all have out of quota spotswhich do not count towards the NMOs limit.If you are still unsure about something regarding the application, make sure you email the responsible Official who will be able to answer your questions.

The deadline to apply is the 30th of June 2020, at 23:59 GMT! Late applications won’t be considered.

Warm regards,

Your Team of Officials