Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

E-learning Manual

The current pandemic made us all realize the impact of our work and how crucial it is on a local, national, and global level. All Standing Committees stood together in order to manage this virus and its consequences from a multidisciplinary point of view. In LeMSIC, we worked on a national response where all SCs played a key role. Being the only medical education stakeholder in Lebanon, SCOME–LeMSIC had a crucial role in this response.

Therefore, it is with great excitement that we write this email to present to you our E-Learning Manual

Falling under SCOME’s focus areas, e-learning is the topic of the moment due to the current pandemic. Therefore, our team developed this tool for institutions, educators, and, of course, students who are the main pillar in any advocacy campaign. This manual can help implement e-learning not only in the current circumstances but in all circumstances when advocating for e-teaching and e-assessment methods thus greatly impacting our medical education systems.