Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

El rol de les estudiants de medicina durant la pandèmia de COVID19

Dear members worldwide,I hope my email finds you well and safe wherever you are, 

As you know, medical students worldwide are going through a very particular time: as more than 2500 medical schools in more than 90 countries around the world are suspending their Education on their physical facilities, so as medical students can continue their learning at home, a great portion of these students are also joining forces with the local health workforce.

A Research Team is collaborating with the SCOME International Team so as to study the perspective of medical students worldwide on their involvement during the current pandemic. Please fill the following questionnaire before April 30th, 23:59GMT
Looking forward to hearing from you,If you have any questions, do not hesitate to address them to irisblom@live.nl
All the best,

Marou and Iris, on behalf of the SCOME International Team and the Research Team.