- Background: Call for the International team (Public Relations & Communication) after the resignation of (1) Publications & Content Assistant.
- Important Information
- Timeline for the Call
- Application Process
- Important Notes
- (Note that the applications are to be sent at eb@ifmsa.org)
- Relevant Links:
- Candidature Form, Attached in the call
- Technical Data Card, Attached in the call
- Immediate Deadline:
- 23/04/2020 23:59 GMT, the deadline to submit the candidatures. Late submission will be invalid.
Dear IFMSA members, With this email, we are opening the call for the Publications & Content Creation assistant position.
Information :
- Background: Following the resignation of one member of the Public Relations & Communication Team, We are opening the Call for the Publications and Content Assistant to VPPRC Position.
- Profile :
• Great Motivation and Availability,
• Interest in PR, Social Media, and Communication Platforms.
• Experience in using G Suite® incl. Mail, Drive…
• Good background knowledge of IFMSA, its structure, its activities, and the strategy
• Knowledge and practice on the following software: Adobe® InDesign®, Photoshop®, Illustrator® or Similar Publisher® GIMP® or Piktochart (or similar programs);
Selected assistants will be in constant and close communication with the Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication, and the General Assistant via both official (email, Slack) and non-official (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) communication channels. As an assistant, you will be provided with the capacities and the resources (templates and necessary materials) to fulfill your tasks. Meanwhile, appointed assistants will have to attend 1 Monthly mandatory team meeting, online capacity building courses, and other face-to-face meetings.
- Task Description: The publications & Content Assistants Team consists of four people that will be at the core of content creation and publications. The Assistant will cover different tasks from Producing Standing Committee’s and Regions’ publication to graphic design, video creation. Please note that even though the selected Assistant will be working closely with the Standing Committee and Regional ITs, they will not be considered as part of those teams and will instead be coordinated by the VPPRC and the PRC GA.
• Designing and Editing IFMSA’s Publications including Standing Committee Directors, Regional Directors, VPA, VPE, and Liaison Officers when it comes to their publication’s needs.
• Work on developing unique thematic additions for IFMSA publications.
• Assist in creating calls for image submissions for publications.
• Review and select photography submissions for publications.
• Perform basic photo editing using Photoshop® or similar programs.
• Produce publications and Provide advice to NMOs on national publications.
• Create Video content to promote IFMSA’s work and activities.
• Create high quality visual and video materials for all educational purposes.
- Selection Criteria :
• Mandatory knowledge and practice in Adobe® InDesign®, Photoshop®, Illustrator®
• High proficiency in English;
• Experience with graphic design.
• Prior experience in video editing is a bonus.
- Timeline :
- 23rd April 2020: Deadline for the Applications
- 25th April 2020: Share Candidatures and Validity with the NMOs
- 29th May 2020: Deadline for NMOs to give inputs
- 1st May 2020: Decision of the Call
- Application process
- All candidatures are to be sent only to eb@ifmsa.org email account by 23/04/2020 23:59 GMT. They will be then shared with NMOs. Late candidatures will be deemed invalid;
- Candidates must ensure that the subject of their email contains the code corresponding to the position they are applying for. All candidates interested in applying must submit the following:
- A filled out Candidature Form (CF), signed and stamped by the NMO President; if the candidate is the NMO President, the CF must be signed by a suitable alternative NMO board member. You can find the document to fill attached in the call. An example of a filled CF can be found here. The candidature form for this call is different from the other IT/PC calls, kindly take note of this.
- A filled out Technical Data Card for International Assistants and Program Coordinators. You can find the document to fill attached in the call. An example of a filled TDC can be found here. The TDC for this call is different from the other IT/PC calls, kindly take note of this.
- A motivation letter: not more than one page long highlighting previous IFMSA experience;
- A plan of action: not more than two pages long;
- A curriculum vitae adapted to the position, not more than two pages long. Proof of information provided in the CV should be available upon request by a National Member Organization;
- High-resolution, colored, passport-sized photograph, for publication purposes;
- One copy of the identity page of the candidate’s passport for registration purposes.
- Motivational Letter, Plan of Action and Curriculum Vitae must not exceed their page limit or the candidature will be invalid.
- DISCLAIMER: The personally identifiable data that we are collecting through this call is collected only for the selection and registration of the International Team Member. All the personal data collected in this call will be deleted before the 31st of September 2021. By providing your personal data through processes including, but not limited to, filing an application document, through your email, within your work, or through filling a data collection form, you are providing your consent that your data is collected for the previously stated purpose, stored for the aforementioned length, and processed in an aforementioned manner. You may find our complete privacy policy here to know more about your rights with your personal data and how we are handling them. Refusing to provide specific data or consent for data collection is possible, however as we have mentioned within our privacy policy, IFMSA may not be able to select, provide, or convey the relevant application or submission for their relevant purpose without these items.
Important notes
- Candidates must be available for an online interview scheduled upon agreement with the Vice-President for Public Relations & Communication.
- Examples of correctly filled out Candidature Forms and Technical Data Cards can also be found in the attachments. Please make sure your candidates read them and fill them accordingly
- In order to avoid confusion as to what to write in the “Position Candidate is applying for” section of the CF, we have written exact names of positions to be written in this section.
- Exact Position Name: Publications and Content Assistant to VPPRC
- Candidates must ensure that the subject of their email contains the code corresponding to the position they are applying for. That is [CAND PRCP AS]
- Kindly download the word files of the CF and the TDC, fill with appropriate information refer to the examples attached. Save documents as following (preferably):
CF: GS_2019AM_CF_ITPCCandidates(Name)
TDC: GS_2019AM_TDC_ITPCCandidates(Name)
Example as per the sample attached
CF: GS_2019AM_CF_ITPCCandidates(MayaDevSingh).
TDC: GS_2019AM_TDC_ITPCCandidates(MayaDevSingh)
- Convert the appropriately filled, signed and stamped word documents into PDF documents (preferably) and attach them to the email that contains code. Finally, send it to eb@ifmsa.org before the Deadline (23/04/2020)
- More detailed information on the proposed way to give input will be provided during the call. All candidates must respect the IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws, and every candidate must fulfill requirements in Bylaw paragraph 6.24 in order to be valid (and additional 15.19 for Program Coordinators).
Thank you for reading through this detailed description. In case you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing us to eb@ifmsa.org and we will reply as soon as we are able to.
Warmest Regards,