Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Global Migration Lecture Series

Human Trafficking and the Fallacy of Human Rights Violations
 Monday 26 October 2020 I 18:15 – 19:15
Webex Online Event

Prof. Ryszard Piotrowicz
This webinar will briefly explain what actually happens when someone is trafficked. It discusses the legal definition of human trafficking and distinguishes it from people smuggling, with which it is often confused. The core of the talk will be a discussion about why human trafficking is not a violation of human rights. It will be argued that the widespread belief that human trafficking violates human rights is based on a misunderstanding of human rights as well as some lazy thinking. The actual relevance of human rights to trafficking will be explained, and it will be shown why a clear understanding of the legal nature of human trafficking is important not only in conceptual terms but because it has significant practical ramifications for trafficked people.
Ryszard Piotrowicz has been Professor of Law at Aberystwyth University since 1999. Before that, he was Professor And Dean of the Law Faculty at the University of Tasmania. He has also taught at the Universities of Glasgow and Durham. He studied international law in Scotland, Greece, Poland and Germany. He is an Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellow. He served two terms as a member of the European Commission’s Group of Experts on Trafficking in Human Beings (2008-15) and has been a member of GRETA , the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, since 2013; he is currently Vice-President. He has acted as a consultant on human trafficking to UNHCR, the EU, the Council of Europe, OSCE, IOM and ICMOPD, as well as to nation al governments and private law firms. He has published extensively on the legal aspects of human trafficking, including as co-editor and co-author of the Routledge Handbook of Human Trafficking.

Prof. Vincent Chetail
Director, Global Migration Centre
Important information about joining the online Q&A session:
Give yourself 5 minutes before the session to install and connect to Webex. There should be a way to connect without the download but this might limit the full use of the tool..When you join the session, your microphone will be muted automatically and your video camera will be disabled. This is to help to reduce background noise and minimise bandwidth requirements during the session.You’ll be able to ask your questions via the Q&A section. In this section, please send your questions to “all panelists” so that your question will be visible for the presenter and the host. If you want to send questions in advance you can send them to globalmigration@graduateinstitute.ch by the 24 of October at 18:00.
Please note that we aim to record this session. If all goes smoothly, it will be shared with you and published on the Global Migration Centre webpage.