El Grup de Treball de Salut i Drets Sexuals i Reproductius incloent VIH i SIDA està treballant en el seu pla estratègic a nivell internacional i ens demanen la nostra opinió! A continuació trobaràs tot el que necessites per a contribuir-hi.
- Background: The SCORA Strategic Plan SWG has been working on the evaluation process of the Strategic Plan for the term 2016/19 in order to measure where we have been from since we begun. Our upcoming step is to collect your inputs to build up our new one accordingly.
- What you have to do:
- Enter the following interactive platform to leave your inputs (takes 10min maximum)
- Drop an email in this thread to the SWG in case you have major inputs: https://ahaslides.com/SCORASTRA
- Deadline: 18th of Jan 23:59 GMT
Dearest SCORA members,
We hope this email finds you in high spirits and motivation, we need your help!
The SCORA Strategic Plan SWG has been working on the evaluation process of the Strategic Plan for the term 2016/19 in order to measure where we have been from since we begun. Our upcoming step is to collect your inputs to build up our new one accordingly.
What is the strategic plan?
A strategy is a 3-year plan which ensures a careful use of our resources and sustainability in our work, it is the only key to ensure continuity, transparency and accountability in SCORA’s future.
But this strategic plan is exceptional, as it will be for a shorter period of time as we are working on aligning all Standing Committees and the general IFMSA Strategic Plan.
so in order to make it comprehensive we need your inputs.
As a strategic plan is made by members to the members, so you have a fundamental role in constructing it. We are asking everyone to raise your voices, regardless of how new or old you are in SCORA as your inputs really matter.
How to contribute?
Take 10 minutes to fill in this call for input in a new interactive platform and encourage other SCORA members to do so. Here: https://ahaslides.com/SCORASTRA
You have a space to ask questions in all screens, please use it in case you want to add on your responses.
Deadline: 18th of Jan 23:59 GMT
If you have any questions regarding the call for input, don’t hesitate to contact us..
The SCORA Strategic Plan SWG
Abra, Christos, Mehek, Omar, Pedro, Rawan and Ushna