Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

International Congress on Infectious Diseases

T’agradaria assistir al Congrés Internacional de Malalties infeccioses amb la delegació d’IFMSA?

ATENCIÓ: per a poder enviar el formulari necessites un document signat per l’AECS. Fes-nos arribar les respostes al formulari i el Candidature Form a secgen@aecs.org per tal de que se’t signi el document. 

Dit això, troba tota la informació que necessites a continuació!



1. Background: Apply for the IFMSA and ISID scholarship to attend the 19th International Congress on infectious diseases, which will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 20th and 23rd of February 2020.

2. Summary:

a. IFMSA got a registration fee waiver for its delegation

b. IFMSA participation, application process, and selection criteria

3. What you need to do: 

a. Fill in the Application Form: LINK

b. Sign and stamp the Candidature Form (LINK) and upload it in the Application form

C.. Deadline: 24.01.2020 at 23:59h GMT


Dear IFMSA Family

It is my pleasure to open the call for IFMSA delegation to the International Congress on Infectious Diseases ICID. The congress will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between the 20th and the 23rd of February 2020. IFMSA delegation will be able to participate in the event for free: no registration fees will be required. 

This email is to inform you about the application procedure. Please read it carefully.

What is ICID?

The international society for infectious diseases ISID will hold the 19th edition of its biennial international congress on infectious diseases in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With more than 2500 participants from around 100 countries, it is the world’s largest congress on infectious diseases. 

The 19th ICID features an expanded range of sessions by bringing the One Health aspect to the world of clinical infectious diseases and microbiology. The One Health Concept recognizes the commonality of human, environmental and animal health and is critical to understanding, managing and preventing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases globally. From antimicrobial resistance, Nipah virus and rabies to the effects of climate change, loss of biodiversity, and political instability on infectious diseases, looking through the One Health lens will provide valuable insights across species and specialties. Connect with colleagues from a wide range of countries and specialties to exchange knowledge, create new ideas and start collaborations. 

For more information:

  • The official ICID website: here
  • Congress program: here

Objectives of IFMSA’s participation in ICID:

  • IFMSA to be recognized as a leader in infectious diseases and AMR within Youth Groups & Organizations;
  • Promote IFMSA active efforts in infectious diseases and AMR and our focus on youth and healthcare students
  • Network and get IFMSA introduced to the main global stakeholders on infectious diseases 
  • Actively promote the key issues’ discussions and be present on social media platforms.

Delegates are expected to:

  • Be available for the full duration of the meeting;
  • Fund their own travel and accommodation expenses;
  • Active and committed participation in the delegation preparations and tasks;
  • Work towards the utmost achievement of the objectives of IFMSA’s participation in ICID;

Selection Criteria:

The following criteria will be taken into account while evaluating your application:

• Motivation to contribute to IFMSA efforts toward infectious diseases and AMR;

• Interest and understanding of Global Health and infectious diseases issues;

• Experience in Advocacy;

• Commitment to accomplish IFMSA objectives in ICID; 

• Potential empowerment, expected outcomes and follow up plans after the meeting;

• Regional representation and Gender balance will be taken into account.

We encourage all emerging members to apply, those who are committed and passionate to learn, gain new skills, and participate in IFMSA’s activities even beyond the congress.

How can you apply?

  • Fill in the Application Form: This is an online form, no need to do anything else than to fill in & click on submit.
  • Fill in the Candidature Form: Form must be signed and stamped by your NMO President, it must be uploaded in the Application form. 
  • The deadline is January 24th, 2019, at 23:59 GMT. Any applications sent after this deadline will not be considered
  • Make sure to check out IFMSA’s How to write an application manual Here to help you with your application process

The accepted applicants will receive online training and preparation as soon as the results are released. IFMSA commits to brief, train and prepare all the delegates to the meeting and to strategically coordinate the delegation during the meeting. Unfortunately, IFMSA is not able to cover transportation or accommodation expenses.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at loso@ifmsa.org

Looking forward to reading your awesome applications!

Warm Regards,
