Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

International Training on Human Rights Education


  1. Background: Call for Participants to the International Training on Human Rights Education
  2. What Applicants need to do:
    1. Read carefully through the workshop proposal
    2. If you are interested, fill in the application form!
  3. Relevant Links:
    1. Course proposal: here
    2. Application form: here
  4. Deadlines:
  5. 18th of May 2020 – 23:59 GMT

Greenest Heros and CB enthusiasts,

It’s with great excitement that we share with you the call for our newest International Training on Human Rights Education (ITHRE)!

Capacity building has recently been acknowledged as a standalone value within IFMSA and a crucial goal to reach with all of our institutions and areas of focus. SCORP, along with its members and past ITs have managed to create a well-functioning and sustainable way of building our members’ capacities. This was through a series of standardised workshops that are regulated and keeping the outcome based manner at the core. Times have changed and as we are menaced by a worldwide pandemic, not only right to health is severely affected but the flow of things as we know them.

Human Rights Education is a human right! Only through an informed and proactive population, human rights can be realised. Human Rights Education (HRE) represents an essential means to promote peace, social justice and most important to promote a culture of human rights. 

“Human rights education is key to addressing the underlying causes of injustice around the world. The more people know about their rights, and the rights of others in society, the better equipped they are to protect them.”
Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International

With that in mind, and guided by the fourth phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education which focuses on youth, the International Training on Human Rights Education (ITHRE) was created! The ITHRE is a newly developed online course, with the vision of promoting human rights education as a major focus area in the work of SCORP and IFMSA. It aims to strengthen IFMSA members’, particularly SCORPions’, competence in and commitment to human rights education.


The methodology of this course is guided by the principles of the human rights-based approach principles, with the aim of creating an enriching and empowering space where all participants have equal opportunities to participate in the different ways they can, contributing themselves to the overall learning process. This also aims to create a suitable learning environment, while ensuring wider accessibility to the members, putting in mind the different time zones and other limitations that might affect participation

The course is planned to be held in approximately 10 to 12 online sessions ,across 6 weeks, with a total 24 working hours including homeworks and self-study.

A variety of learning tools and techniques will be used to facilitate the learning process as well as the participation of the learners, with a balanced combination between theoretical presentations and interactive sessions. Some of the methods that will be used throughout the sessions include: interactive presentations, online group discussions using interactive methodology through breakout rooms in Zoom or similar tools, case studies, in addition to quizzes and assignments to aid the learning process and further stimulate reflections and critical thinking. At the end of the course, participants will work on a graduation assignment.

How to apply?

Kindly fill in [this form] to apply to ITHRE by May 17th, 23:59 GMT. Before applying, please make sure to read the workshop proposal [here].

If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through da.scorp@ifmsa.org and scorpd@ifmsa.org ! We are looking forward to reading your applications!

Green hearts and lettuces,