Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

IPET – International Peer Education Training

Background : 
The online International Peer Education Training (IPET) targets medical students who would like to develop their skills as peer educators, especially having in mind international cooperation for Comprehensive Sexuality Education. This online version would be an opportunity to empower medical students to further develop their skills in communication and group dynamics while exploring values, attitudes and knowledge in the field of SRHR and youth programming in prevention and health promotion. It also aims to give tools to set up CSE projects in your NMO, that’s why we encourage those who don’t have a CSE program to apply.The training will be using online platforms (moddle and zoom ) to make it accessible for anyone in the world and will be happening over the course of one month and a half, starting from the week of the 20th of April.
The schedule will be determined after the participants have been chosen.

NB : Applicants should not have attended an IPET before.

Call for participants: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxRX2CkIl3iWbiE0jXbkxaji2elBXrJU7CtNbg9xtyvnLPTg/viewform

For any inquiries, please contact the coordinators:

Deadline : Saturday the 11th of April

Love, on the behalf of the SCORA IT.