Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Open Access Week 2020 Campaign


  1. Background: Call for SWG members for IFMSA Open Access Week 2020 Campaign.
  2. Information summary: 
    1. Open Access Week, is organised annually by SPARC, and will take place from October 19-26th 2020
    2. The SWG will prepare the campaign outline and content, supported by the SCORE-D and LME
    3. The SWG will work mainly in September and October.
  3. What You Need to do:
    1. Review the SWG Campaign proposal included in this email.
    2. Submit your application through this form by 5th September, 23:59 GMT.
    3. Be available from September onwards.
  4. Relevant Links:
    1. Application Form: here

Dear IFMSA members, 

It is with immense pleasure that we open the call for the Small Working Group members for IFMSA Open Access Week 2020 Campaign. International Open Access Week, a global event now entering its thirteenth year, is an opportunity for open access advocates to engage their communities to teach them about the potential benefits of Open Access, to share what they’ve learned with colleagues, and to help inspire wider participation in helping to make Open Access a new norm in scholarship and research. IFMSA is a strong proponent of Open Access, and as such we will hold in parallel, an IFMSA campaign aiming to reflect medical students’ initiatives and advocacy for Open Access. 

Please check the SWG Proposal here:  

SWG members (4-5 persons): 

– Be an active SWG member, communicate and interact with other participants, reply to emails, and engage in the development process.

– SWG members will set a timeline for the development of the campaign

– Develop campaign content and compile members experiences/initiatives.

– Implement OAWeek from 19th to 26th of October this year

Selection Criteria: 

1. General experience in the topic of Open Science and its importance 

2. Good motivation and availability 

3. Gender and regional balance will also be highly taken into account.

To apply for this SWG, please fill in this application form until the 5th of September, 23:59 GMT. 

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. After that, all applications will be evaluated and you will hear from us regarding the selection.

For any question regarding the SWG application, do not hesitate to contact Matthieu Pierre, SCORE-Director at scored@ifmsa.org or Marc, SCORE EDA at eda.score@ifmsa.org or Alaa Dafallah at lme@ifmsa.org.