Dearest SCOREans,
We are excited to open the call for observers for the SCORE International Team Monthly Online Meeting for June!
By offering members the opportunity to join our meetings, we hope to improve the transparency of our work as SCORE IT and to increase the involvement and understanding of members in decision making and other processes within the Federation. We also believe that members can have input that may be helpful for us as an International Team!
The selection will be based on your Application, but we will also take into consideration regional representation and aim to offer the opportunity to as many members, NMOs, and regions as possible.
Observers are not only invited to observe the meeting but also to participate and give input on topics presented. Further in the form, you can indicate if there is anything in particular you would like to speak about during the OLM. Apart from this, in case any voting within the IT needs to happen, observers will have restricted speaking rights in order to maintain the efficiency of the meeting.
If you are wondering what the SCORE IT discusses during IT Online Meetings, we would like to remind you that we share all the minutes of our IT OLMs in the Folder here.
The meeting will be heldonThursday the 25th of June 2020 at 16:00 GMT. To apply, please fill in this form here by Friday the 19th of June, 23:59GMT.
If you have any inquiry do not hesitate to reach out at!
To research … and beyond!