Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Petit Grup de Treball d’IFMSA: Financial Sustainability of IFMSA events


  1. Background: Financial Sustainability of IFMSA MeetingsCall for SWG Members
  2. Information Summary:
    1. Information about the SWG
    2. How to Apply
  3. What recipients need to do:
    1. Read the SWG proposal: here.
    2. Fill in the application form: here.
  4. Deadline: 6th of April 2020, 23:59 GMT.

Dear IFMSA Family,

I hope my email finds you well and safe during these difficult days. I am sending this email to open the call for the SWG on Financial Sustainability of IFMSA Meetings. 
The IFMSA hosts events around the world that bring together medical students from every corner of the world to build capacity, to conduct decision-making and to strengthen collaborative projects among ourselves. However, attending these meetings can prove a challenge to our members, especially financially. Moreover, hosting IFMSA Events can lead to situations that impact greatly on their financial instability.
How to apply?Through this initiative, we are aiming to identify the needed skills and challenges to organize financially stable IFMSA meetings and produce materials for NMOs that compile recommendations and suggestions that tackle this problem.For the SWG details, kindly click here).
To apply to be part of the Small Working Group, kindly fill this form before 6th of April 2020, 23:59 GMT.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to this email vpf@ifmsa.org, I will be happy to answer your questions!