Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Pre-EuRegMe21: Crida per participants


  • Background: Sharing the call for participants to the PreEuRegMe21
  • Important information:
    • Date: 16-23 April 2021
    • Location:  online
    • Fee: free
  • Actions required: Fill this application form (LINK) before March 11th 23:59 GMT

Dear European NMOs, members and future participants,

With this email, I would like to open the call for participants for the Pre European Regional Meeting 2021 held from the 16th – 23th of April (detailed agenda attached). The PreEuRegMe is one of our region’s main events in regard to capacity building and training. This year, we have been experiencing some difficulties regarding Capacity Building, so we found it extremely important to adjust and adapt to the online setting. We have selected four amazing and unique streams for you to enjoy, aimed at providing you with the knowledge and skills to tackle some of our region’s biggest priorities:

  • YAS: Youth, Advocacy and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • European Climate Change Advocates
  • F(un)I(nteresting)In(formative)E(ngaging) Online Facilitation
  • VulnerABLE – Health and Rights of Vulnerable Groups

Short descriptions of streams can be found in the Form.

Your application will be reviewed by the workshop’s coordinators and trainers with help from the Regional Assistant for Capacity Building. You will be asked to fill in certain questions for each chosen workshop, going from your first choice to your third (or less if you don’t want to apply for more).

Here is the LINK to the application form. The facilitators and I are looking forward to reading through your applications.