Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Recursos d’IFMSA sobre el COVID-19


  1. Background: IFMSA COVID-19 Response: Sharing Library
  2. IFMSA COVID-19 Library
  • Link to IFMSA COVID-19 Drive Folder (Link!)
  • Link to Guide for IFMSA COVID-19 Library (Link!)
  1. For Any Assistance: lph@ifmsa.org – loso@ifmsa.org

Dear IFMSA Family, 

Hope this email finds you well and in good health. 
We would like to first express our deepest concerns and solidarity to everyone who has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. During such imminent emergency, it is our role as IFMSA to come together, take urgent action and put our collective efforts in COVID-19 prevention and control. As medical students and trained health professionals, it is our responsibility to prepare our health systems, communicate with our communities about the risks and means of prevention of COVID-19 and protect the physical and mental health of our people.
That is why our first step is to create an IFMSA COVID-19 Library (Link!) which compiles all available awareness and educational materials:
a. COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidelinesb. IFMSA + WHO + CDC Infographics in 7 different languagesc. WHO Videos + Online Courses
You can also find a guiding document that gives an overview of the COVID-19 Library with additional links and interactive maps to use: (Link!)
We also added another folder for NMOs to add any materials/activities they did as a sharing platform for all of us to use.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at lph@ifmsa.org or Saad at loso@ifmsa.org.