Dear SCOPHeroes around the globe,
The Online General Assembly is finally around the corner and we have some new for you all!As you know, an AM, as every GA, is an important meeting for the federation. It allows us to come together from different parts of the world and learn about public health issues and other related topics. This time we will host this event online but the motivation and passion will be there, no worries!
SCOPH Preparatory Webinar: 22nd July at 3pm GMTIn order to be prepared for the SCOPH Sessions, the SCOPH International Team will be hosting tomorrow a SCOPH Preparatory Meeting so you can all get updated about the SCOPH Sessions Agenda, etc. Moreover, we will go over the SCOPH Regulations Change Proposals (RCPs) and we will explain how the NPO Plenary will work. We will also have a round of Q&A!NPOs are kindly invited to attend this meeting. The SCOPH IT has sent you a personal invitation. Check your inboxes!
NPO Plenary: 25th July at 4pm GMTThe NPO Plenary is the tool we have to adopt new changes within our regulations. We have already sent you the RCPs submitted for this AM! Check them out!You might be wondering whether the plenary will be hosted at 3pm or 4pm GMT but due to logistical issues, we have needed to postpone it so it will be at 4pm GMT.
And that’s it from us peeps!If you have any questions, please let us know! We are here for you!