Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

SCORA Capacity Building Fest


  1. Background: Sharing the call for participants and trainers of the CB Fest, SCORA, BMSS-Bangladesh.
  2. What do you need to do:
    1. Read the workshops proposals
    2. Fill out the application form
  3. Relevant Links:
    1. SCORA CB Fest proposal: here 
    2. Call for Trainers: here
    3. Call for Participnts: here

Deadline to apply: September 30,2020, 23:59GMT.

No late application will be considered.

Dear SCORAngels from around the world,

Here’s an opportunity you do not want to miss!
The SCORA team of BMSS- Bagladesh brings to you a 6 day workshop called Unabashedly Me: Capacity Building Fest. The sessions of the workshop have been handpicked to give you an extensive idea about the focus areas of SCORA as well as how to promote advocacy.
Today, we’re opening the call for trainers & participants to all our regions. If you want to facilitate or participate in in the  sessions, please register filling the form until 30th September, 23:59 GMT: 

Deadline to apply: September 30,2020, 23:59GMT.

No late application will be considered.

Please note that there are limited spots available, so we may not be able to accommodate everyone registering, unfortunately. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact at nora.bmss@gmail.com or vpcb.bmss@gmail.com
SCORA hugs!
[ On behalf of SCORA BMSS-Bangladesh ]