1. Background: Extending the second call for vacant positions for Plenary Team members at EuRegMe 2020
2. Available positions:
d. Secretary Assistants (2)
e. Returning Officer (1)
3. How to submit your application
a. Fill out the application form, including uploading the Candidature Form (signed and stamped by your NMO President – link
4. Deadline: 23rd of September 2020, 23.59 GMT
Dear Europe,
Since spots were not filled, we are extending the 2nd call of positions. The final deadline is the 23rd of September 23:59GMT. You can find more information below;
1. Open spots:
a. Secretary Assistant
I. Task: The secretary assistant is responsible for taking the minutes of the plenary alongside the Secretary. If you have little experience, this would be a great way to learn how to become a Plenary Secretary.
II. Amount: 2
III. Criteria: no particular prerequisite, experience in taking minutes would be a plus.
b. Returning Officers
I. Task: The Returning officer is expected to work closely with the Plenary Team and help out with logistical tasks within the Zoom call, including assisting with voting procedures.
II. Amount: 1
III. Criteria: no particular prerequisite
2. How to submit your application
a. Candidature Form: please download from here, fill it correctly and completely, and ensure you sign it and your NMO President signs and stamps it in the designated spots. You will upload it through the application form.
b. Application Form: please fill the online application form (here) before the deadline below.
c. Send your application on time: late application will not be considered and will be deemed invalid.
3. Deadline: to fill in the form is the 23rd of September 2020, 23:59 GMT.
Plenary Team members are not required to have a spot in their delegation, however, those will be prioritised in the selection.
We hope that this email provides the necessary information with sufficient clarity. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at