Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Submission Form: Planetary Health Education Resource Directory


1. Background: Submission Form: Planetary Health Education Resource Directory

2. Important Information: Share with us any educational resources or opportunities related to Planetary Health.

3. Relevant links: a. Link to Submission Form: here!

Dear IFMSA Family, 

I hope this email finds you well, safe and sound!🧡
As IFMSA is one of the Planetary Health Alliance (PHA) members, the PHA needs our help! Are you or someone you know working on a planetary health-related education resource that you think the world should know about?
If yes, we would like to invite you to share any educational resources or opportunities related to planetary health that you are aware of in this quick Google form here: Planetary Health Education Resource Directory: Submission Form

Educational resources can include any type of course or class (K-12 to graduate-level), certificate or degree program, survey or report card, or any other academic opportunity (e.g. scholarships, fellowships, experiential opportunities, etc) related to planetary health.
These resources will be added to the Planetary Health Alliance’s emerging Planetary Health Education Resource Directory, which will be made available to the public via the PHA website.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions at lph@ifmsa.org. Thank you so much in advance!