Dear IFMSA family,
The world is grappling with an issue of enormous scale and human impact, and our hearts go out to all who have been affected by the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19). In this regard, the Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda COVID-19 Taskforce has launched different activities on COVID-19 responses aimed at tackling situations in many sectors. Sexual and Reproductive Health as one of the domains that includes young people and has been affected by COVID-19 is among the ones being addressed.
To recognize and consider consequences of COVID-19 on sexual and reproductive health, MEDSAR has joined effort with UNFPA Rwanda and HDI (Health Development Initiative) to present to you a webinar on “COVID19 pandemic Preparedness: Sexual reproductive health and rights & Family Planning in focus.”
Speakers: Daphrose Nyirasafari, Programme Specialist for Reproductive Health and Rights, Team leader of SRH Unit of the UNFPA Rwanda Country Programme since 2008. In addition;
- She possesses measurable expertise in designing RH/FP/ASRH policies, strategies, training manuals and IEC/BCC materials.
- She represents the Country Office in the UN Delivering as One (DaO) to advance joint programmes.
- With a background as an MPH, Demographer and Nurse-Midwife, she is highly committed to guarantee positive outcomes for women and adolescents, in particular within changing
environments and multicultural settings.
Dr Athanase Rukundo a fervent advocate for health equity serving as a Director of Programs at Health Development Initiative. In addition;
- He brings to the position more than five of years of experience in Medicine, health system strengthening, supply chain of health commodities, RMNCAH, SRHR, Harm Reduction, disability and inclusion, advocacy on public policy relating to health, HIV, TB, Malaria, Intersections of health and Human Rights, results based and Rights Based programmings, Public health and epidemiology in general.
- He holds a Master of Science in Epidemiology from the University of Rwanda.
Events Registration Link:
Date: 15th May 2020 at 5:00 pm (Kigali-Rwanda) Cairo Time/ 3:00 pm GMT/