Wednesday, 13 May
Applying the principles of resilience building and DRR for the unexpected – Register here
7:00 CEST (Geneva) | 14:00 KST (Korea) | 15:00 AEST (Aus Eastern) - UNDRR Americas & the Caribbean Webinar
Community management in times of pandemic – Challenges and opportunities for civil society organizations – Register here 10:00 AM EST (Panama)
Thursday, 14 May
- UNDRR Asia-Pacific Webinar:
The Human Rights Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Register here
10:00 AM EST (Panama time)
Dear IFMSA members,
Hope this exciting email finds you well!
I am continuing my “ritual” of sharing external opportunities to learn from experts…..through another series of UNDRR webinars!
Starting from May 13th, we have the webinar on “Applying the principles of resilience building and DRR for the unexpected”, where we can expect to learn about emergency management and resilience building. This has been a huge emphasis when it comes to disaster risk reduction and hopefully will bring you more insights on facing the unexpected and uncertainty in the world. Later on, there is the webinar “Community management in times of pandemic – Challenges and opportunities for civil society organizations”, which hopefully can bring some “pandemical” take-home messages to us as civil society organizations. Last but not least, on May 14th, there is the webinar on “The Human Rights Dimensions of the COVID-19 Pandemic”, which will dive in-depth from the human rights aspect of COVID19.
Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation in UNDRR webinars so far. It has been my pleasure sharing these learning opportunities with you and hopefully, we can all learn something useful out of this pandemic. Take care!
Warmest regards,