Has estat treballant en algun projecte o campanya sobre resistències antimicrobianes i t’agradaria publicar-ho per a un concurs? Troba tota la informació que necessites per a fer-ho aquí.
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Dear IFMSA members, Its with much excitement that I’m opening the call for the Small Working Groups of Contributors that will create […]
ATENCIÓ: per a poder enviar el formulari necessites un document signat per l’AECS. Fes-nos arribar les respostes al formulari i el Candidature […]
Dear all, In an effort to support the youth NCD community during COVID-19, NCD Child is launching a social media campaign, #YouthCOVIDChats on Twitter […]
Dear lovely IFMSA family, Hope this email finds you doing well and healthy! Following up on our webinar series to get you […]