Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Webinars: Health Workforce

Dearest SCOMEdians,
On the occasion of the International Workers’ Day, SCOME is launching its campaign on Medical Students’ take on the Global Health Workforce Crisis 1st – 6th of MayAddressing the Global Health Workforce crisis has been the concern of medical students worldwide, as it is our priority as future physicians to advocate for policies regulating the recruitment and retention of the health workforce. IFMSA is hosting 2 webinars on 2 main topics related to the Global Health Workforce crisis which have engaged medical students worldwide in a global conversation on their future as part of this workforce.
Hereby, we’re inviting you to attend our two webinars hosted by the SCOME IT with the attendance of special external guests and fellow medical students:

Webinar 1:Health Workforce Global Mobility : https://bit.ly/HW_GM_Register

May 3rd, 17:00GMT

Webinar 2:Youth and Decent Working Conditions in Healthcare : https://bit.ly/HW_WC_Register

May 4th, 17:00GMT