Pàgina de l'Associació d'Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut

Documents de Salut i Drets Sexuals i Reproductius a la MM20

Durant l’Assemblea General d’IFMSA que tindrà lloc al Març hi haurà plenaris de tots els grups de treball on es prendran decisions crucials en relació al futur d’aquest. Per a saber què es tractarà o proposar canvis, fes un cop d’ull a la crida que s’ha compartit a continuació:



Background: Call for Bylaw Change Proposals to SCORA Regulations to be voted upon during MM20. Sharing the SCORA Capacity Building Regulations and SCORA X-Change Code of Conduct to be incorporated to SCORA Regulations as Annexes

Relevant links:

  1. Submissions Form
  2. SCORA Regulations
  3. SCORA Capacity Building Regulations
  4. BCPs submitted by the SCORA IT
  5. SCORA X-Change Code of Conduct

Deadline: 1st of February 2020 23:59 GMT


Dear members,

General Assembly March Meeting 2020 in Rwanda is approaching and we will use this thread to share all submissions to be voted upon in the SCORA Plenary (Changes to the regulations, the SCORA Capacity Building Regulations and the annex to the SCORA Strategy). Little by little you’ll get to know more about it and now we give you an opportunity to improve SCORA Regulations by proposing Bylaws Changes! We will vote upon them during SCORA Plenary. 

Why amending the regulations?

The more points of view the regulations take into account, the more inclusive they’ll be. It can be an opportunity to contribute and pitch in your ideas about SCORA Regulations!

Who can propose amendments?

Every student that belongs to an IFMSA NMO can propose an amendment. You don’t have to be present at the March Meeting in order to submit a proposal.

How can you propose amendments? 

First, please go through the regulations carefully and decide on the exact section that you want to amend. There are three types of amendments:

a) Change

b) Delete

c) Add

For all of the three types, your amendment should include an exact definition of what you want to exclude, change or include in the regulations. We cannot vote on amendments that are not written out in full!

Please note: linguistic or grammar changes that do not change the meaning of the document are not suitable for amendments, instead please inform us and we will correct such errors.

Fill out this form to submit your proposals. 

To get to know the process of how the Bylaw Change Proposals (BCPs) look like, SCORA IT already proposed some changes and we encourage you to check them out in order not to repeat. You can access them here.

SCORA Capacity Building Regulations

In addition, those past few months an SWG worked on creating for the first time Regulations for SCORA Capacity Building workshops and trainings. You will find the proposal attached here and we welcome you to also take part in building this document to be voted upon in the March Meeting SCORA Plenary and added to the SCORA Regulations. 

Another thing we want to incorporate to SCORA Regulations is the SCORA X-Change Code of Conduct as an Annex to SCORA X-Change Regulations Annex. We find it crucial for making SCORA X-Changes a safe space for all. You can contribute to improvement by looking at the proposal here.

All documents (SCORA Regulations, SCORA X-Change Regulations, SCORA CB Regulations, SCORA X-Change Code of Conduct) are available for BCPs through the form.

In February, we will have a SCORA Online Open Space to go through submissions and discuss all the changes you might want to give input too. More information will follow in this thread. 

The deadline to send your BCPs is the 1st of February 23:59 GMT. The amending process of the BCPs will take time since the publication of the Proposals until the start of the March Meeting. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!
